Meet Me oversea

To fulfill my curiousty and expand my eyesight,I love to travel around the world.Connecting with different people always refresh my knowledge.
If you want to reserve a session with me oversea, you can neither catch me on tour or become my tour sponsor and invite me to your city. Let me know where are you located and lets make it happened!
further details about being my tour sponsor:
A fee that covered my airfare, accommodations and transportation.I will handle the flight and accommodations by myself.
If we haven't meet in real person before, i would like to arrange a videoconference with you which make sure we are congenial. (it's not an online session or anything similar.)
Benefits of being a sponsor:
During my tour, I will meet you at a time and place that’s convenient for you.
I will reserve at least a day to spend with you, or more depending on the fee that we negotiate.